Flax has been farmed and linen fabrics woven in Flanders for centuries. By the 18th century, Meulebeke, situated near Kortrijk, had emerged as one of the villages with the largest linen production. By the 1800's, there were dozens of weaving firms operating in and around Meulebeke. Of these, only two remained: Libeco and Lagae Linens.
The first information on Libeco dates from 1864. At that time, the company was a collecting point and warehouse for pure linen fabrics produced in the homes of the cottage workforce of the region. From this first warehouse, the woven goods were transported by handcart to Kortrijk, where they were dyed and sold. By 1904, a production facility had been established and the factory had begun to install power looms; by the end of the first World War, 140 looms were in operation. Fine quality, pure linen fabrics and linen-cotton blends were produced for sheets and table coverings. Even then, exports were important to the firm, especially to South America. World War II heralded a difficult period for the company but by the early 1960's, Libeco's shareholders adopted an ambitious investment plan to ensure stability and allow the firm to grow once more.
Belgian Linen
A Belgian Linen association was founded just after World War 2. Through this grouped effort, Belgian weavers were promoting their linens worldwide.
Already at that time they emphasized the importance of the ecological aspect of the fiber and they initiated the use of linen for fashion, wall-coverings and decorative fabrics.
They created a Belgian Linen Logo as a quality label.
Today the same weavers are re-introducing this logo as a guarantee for a quality product manufactured in accordance with all the rules of modern society.
Should you be interested in carrying this logo, please contact us. http://www.belgianlinen.com
Belgian Royal Warrant Holder
Libeco.Lagae was officially granted the title of Belgian Royal Warrant Holder in 2006.
We are very proud to hold this title and consider it great recognition for our quality and service. This is a reward for the hard work of all the members of our company here in Belgium and abroad.
Masters of linen
Forty years ago the linen industry established an association representing all the players involved and it was named the European Confederation of Linen and Hemp. This covers every stage of production of linen in Western Europe.
A major promotional programme has been launched under the label "Masters of Linen". The collective label "Masters of linen" has been registered as a trademark throughout the world and is only granted to finished linen products produced in Western Europe and meeting the quality standards required by this label.
All fabrics of Libeco-Lagae carry the Masters of Linen label.
For more information about the Confederation or the Masters of Linen label, visit their website Masters of Linen Office - C.E.L.C.
Eco Linen
The fabrics in our ECO LINEN collection have not been dyed and are tested free of chemical residues. They have been washed slightly to give them their natural color. ECO LINEN is a worldwide registered quality label.
The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is the world's best-known label certifying that a textile has been independently tested and found free of harmful substances.