LEGACY Antoine Proulx was founded in 1992 by Marc Desplaines who launched the U. S. corporation of renowned Japanese fashion designer...
ALFONSO MARINA | New Collection
Twice a year, during High Point Market, Alfonso Marina introduces their new collections. This market we celebrate the release of many new...
FROMENTAL | Now at B. Peterson
Having worked in fashion and interiors with leading international designers, partners Tim Butcher and Lizzie Deshayes established...
ANTOINE PROULX | New Collection
LEGACY Antoine Proulx was founded in 1992 by Marc Desplaines who launched the U. S. corporation of renowned Japanese fashion designer...
FORTUNY | The Philosophers Stone | W/S 2018 Collection
Fortuny introduces W/S 2018 collection, The Philosopher’s Stone, inspired by the centuries old legend of the alchemical substance that...
Please join us at the Alfonso Marina showroom to see the new collection of transitional and traditional classics.